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Derbyshire Refugee Solidarity People
We are a volunteer organisation made up of many wonderful people. Whilst we endeavour to avoid too much structure or hierarchy, as a charity we do have some important roles that need to be filled. Those include:
Trustees: Steve Cooke (Chair), Hazel Allister, Coral McDonnell, Adulaziz, Charlie Stevens.
Chair: Steve Cooke -
Accounts - Lynsey Macdonald.
Secretary: Julie James
Premises Manager: Steve Cooke
Deputy Premises Managers: Anwar, Dig Thomas, Altigani, Moayad
Fundraising Coordinator: Charlie Stevens
Our Premises
Derbyshire Refugee Solidarity, St Anne's Church, Whitecross Street, Derby, DE1 3NE.
Our premises is open every Thursday 9.30am-12.30pm and every Saturday 10.30 - 12.30. for volunteering and to accept donations.