Our family of volunteers

DRS is 100% volunteer-powered, and we couldn’t be more grateful for them!


Our volunteers are always show stoppers

Whatever it is, we approach it with humility, compassion and fun

Dig Thomas and Mohammed receiving the Queen’s Award

Asoss at the Silent Auction

Abdel Aziz and Maya

Julie and Steve

DJ Su-ki and carol, our music tutors

Charlie and Coral, two of our lovely trustees!

Christmas party 2023

Festive music, in three different languages, played by our own DRS musicians. A DJ set, by DJ Suki, Alex, David and others. Party food, brought by volunteers and visitors. Gifts for over 100 asylum seekers, of new hats, gloves and socks, most of them provided by one of our regular donors. Our best AGM ever, which brought laughter and tears.

And most of all LOVE. Oodles of the stuff.


Our Team


Steve Cooke - steve@derbyshirerefugeesolidarity.org


Julie James - julie@derbyshirerefugeesolidarity.org

Volunteer Coordinator:

Julie James - julie@derbyshirerefugeesolidarity.org

Safeguarding officer:

Coral McDonnell - coral@derbyshirerefugeesolidarity.org

Premises Manager:

Steve Cooke - steve@derbyshirerefugeesolidarity.org

Deputy Premises Managers:

Nathan, Dani

Kitchen Manager:

Mohamed Saher


Asoss Pshdary


Lynsey Macdonald

Fundraising Coordinator:

Charlie Stevens


Steve Cooke, Coral McDonnell, Charlie Stevens, Asoss Gabare, Taran Cheema, Vanessa Tissington.