Lorry full of aid arrives in Paris!

Last Friday, DRS volunteers helped to fill a lorry with aid going to Paris. Here is Heather, with Paris Refugee Ground Support on its arrival.

Heather Young· Paris, France

“Last weekend something incredible happened!
Rebecca and Adam Spilane from LE Solidarity brought a humongous lorry all the way from Leicester to Paris. 
In this lorry, provided by the Ace Alltruck2, was the vital aid collected from festival salvages. The wonderful stuff collected by Derbyshire Refugee Solidarity. The wicked amount of sleeping bags collectively bought by Side by Side : Humanitarian Aid to RefugeesHerts For RefugeesPeople in Motion,Hastings Solidarity from the lovely Dean Erdélyi-Betts at Ethical Festival Ltd.

The collecting, sorting, packing, loading, coordination, logistics and love, sweat and tears that went into this fantastic effort is astounding!!!!!!!

These are everyday people pulling off extraordinary things seamlessly.

You are immensely wonderful people!!!!
Thank you to every last one of you that had your helping hand in this wickedass-monumental delivery.

♡♡♡Becky and Adam are splendiverous!!♡”

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