Volunteering in Lesvos - a talk by Adam Bates

We couldn't have asked for a better ending to our busy and wonderful year at DRS than the talk given by Adam Bates on Saturday about his very recent volunteering experiences in Lesvos.

Forty volunteers and supporters listened to a talk that was informative powerful and yet always focused on the individual human beings stuck in a desperate situation not of their choosing.

DRS Photographer, Ben Booth, filmed the whole talk so this will be published as soon as it is available.

Thanks so much to Adam from us all. Thanks also to Melbourne Mothers' Union for their incredible generosity - donations totalling £145 plus Moses Baskets and other stuff; thanks to Laura Guilfoyle for £50 plus Moses Baskets; to Borrowood Primary School for two car fulls of Reverse Advent Calendars and food; to Abi Abigail Beaney and the lovely children she brought with her; to Mia for the box she brought and to everyone else who contributed in any way.

MASSIVE love, thanks and solidarity from us all!

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