To all our fantastic volunteers and supporters.....

To all our fantastic volunteers and supporters...

We cannot thank you enough for your incredible generosity! Thanks to you, this week, we have been able to donate £700 each to the following charities:

Refugee Biriyani & Bananas, for their work in Chios, Greece.

Muslims in Need, for their work in Syria.

Paris Refugee Ground Support

Calais, Refugee Community Kitchen

These are wonderful charities we know well and we trust. We KNOW that your money will be spent helping people in the most desperate need.

In recent months it has been difficult to get aid directly into Syria. But money made from selling donated clothing etc CAN get into Syria and there they can spend it most effectively on their most crucial needs.

We are so so so grateful to you! We promise that in 2020 we will continue to work as hard as we can to deserve your amazing support!

Julie JamesComment