Work Experience guinea pig?

In June of this year we were contacted by a very resourceful and determined young woman, Avani, who asked if she could do Work Experience with us. Avani wants to study International Development and, eventually, to work in the humanitarian sector. She asked if she could volunteer with us, while studying for her A’Levels.

Obviously we jumped at the chance and have been delighted to get to know Avani over the last few months. She is not only willing to help in any way she can, she also shows real sensitivity and understanding.

Yesterday, Avani, also finished a project she agreed to do in her own time. A wonderfully generous DRS supporter, Val from Youlgrave, donated £250 specifically for hygiene packs for the women in Dunkirk Refugee Women's Centre. Avani costed, bought and made up 36 packs in total. These will be loaded onto a van going to Dunkirk on Tuesday.

Avani is our first Work Experience volunteer, a guinea pig if you will, and we hope she will be the first of many.

We also want to thank Val for her overwhelming generosity!

Julie JamesComment