Coats 4 Calais

DRS will be one of many organisations offering drop off point for a Care4Calais appeal to provide vital winter coats to refugees in Northern France and the UK.


“This year we need your help more than ever.  As well as refugees sleeping rough across  northern France and Belgium, we are now supporting newly arrived refugees in Home Office accommodation across the UK.

In Northern France over 3,000 refugees are currently sleeping rough. Temperatures are rapidly dropping and police actions and evictions are worse than ever. Some are as young as 13 and have no access to clean clothes, water or shelter.

In the UK there are over 3,500 people living in hotels, hostels and military barracks.  They arrive in just the clothes they are wearing, and with nothing else they can’t take these off to wash them.  They are poorly equipped for a British winter and many have no coat at all.

So this winter our goal is to provide each and every one of these refugees with a warm winter coat. To do this we URGENTLY need your help.”

For more details follow this link….

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