The day DRS met Robin and Brian and Margaret and visited a lost world....

Where else are you likely to meet a famous Robin and a famous Brian?

That’s right. Nottingham!

On a cold and drizzly Sunday morning, still half asleep, a minibus full of DRS volunteers set off from St Annes, on an adventure to Nottingham, driven by our new friend and super-hero, Ian!

First stop St Mary’s Church in Plumtree, where Reverend Margaret, Rector Trevor and her wonderful congregation welcomed us to a lovely service, followed by tea, cakes and a chance to meet new friends. St Mary’s have been very generous donors to DRS for about four years, sending car loads of donated clothing, hand-knitted baby clothes and blankets for us to sort and send to refugees. We are looking forward to a return visit sometime in April or May, where we will be able to thank them DRS style!

Next we hit the city centre! After the obligatory visit to Robin Hood, “The Old Trip to Jerusalem”, Brian Clough statue and then lunch, we braved the hidden, underground secrets of The Lost World……otherwise known as indoor mini golf at the Cornerhouse! Results not yet confirmed but there was some stiff competition among the players, marred slightly by rumours of cheating in one of the teams….. We will leave it to your imagination to guess the alleged culprits!

We’d like to thank everyone who made this such a lovely day to remember, especially Ian, Rector Trevor and Reverend Margaret and all our new friends we met along the way!

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