In it together....

From Lucy............As most of you are aware DRS has had to close for the foreseeable future in light of the Covid-19 situation. We're really saddened by this as we realise that refugees are some of the most vulnerable people that will be most hard hit by the situation.

Given that we aren't fundraising or opening our doors at present, we wanted to send some of the money we've raised recently so it can be put to good use during this difficult time. We've taken a lead from our friend Brendan Woodhouse who highlighted this Global Giving project - the Better Days emergency support team who go tent to tent looking for unaccompanied children in need of help and support.

DRS has donated £500 to this project, which we couldn't have done if it weren't for all the support and kind donations we get from all of our supporters. This is what being in it together looks like.

Any regular donations that are made today will be doubled, so please have a think about giving if you can.

Keep safe everyone and take care of yourselves and each other

Julie JamesComment