This feels like a perfect opportunity to showcase some of the amazing women that started and built DRS from the ground up. We simply wouldn't be here without some incredible women.

Big shout out to some of our founders - Marie Crowley, Rebecca Goodall and Hazel Corylus Avellana! And to our early organisers Amy SunshineCath Hollywell and Lucy Kay! We've had the wonderful Julie James from very early on too, keeping us all in check! And where would we be without our domestic backdrop team, led by Moyra Jean who's been with us from the start? No revolution is possible on an empty stomach! And of course we currently have two lovely lady trustees Lucy and Christine Pope :)

And so so so so many others (too many to list!), doing amazing things. Please comment and tag yourself if you're one of the wonderful women that make up DRS or have been involved at some point. We want to showcase our incredible sisters.

Apparently more women than men volunteer and according to the United Nations Statistics Division, women are the main undertakers of unpaid work globally. Let's give all of the wonderful DRS women a big THANK YOU!!!!

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