Boxes and bunches and barrels of fun!

Three weeks after we reopened DRS, we are delighted to say that things are thriving again! Lots of new volunteers have come to join our lovely DRS family and we are now over-booking every session!

Determined to keep everyone safe, our main priority is ensuring we keep social distancing measures carefully in place, along with regular hand-washing, cleaning and the insistence of masks and/or visors for everyone at all times.

After our morning meeting and safety briefing , it’s time to do an hour of sorting. We are fortunate that many people seem to have used the lockdown as an opportunity to have a big clear out and we have been inundated with donations! (However, our team of sorters get through these piles very quickly so please do please donate any clothing you can!)

After sorting, it’s time for a break and some more cleaning and han-washing.

Next, it’s time for an English session. Our team of tutors have delivered a brilliant range of sessions and the class is now always full!. On Saturday 18th July (see photo), the class learned about quantities of items to buy in shops and there was lots of fun when volunteers role-played a shop visit! A brand new volunteer made everyone laugh when he complained about the quality of bananas on offer!

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