Quad Creative ESOL Project, starring three DRS volunteers!!

"A series of five short films produced under quarantine, by English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) as part of the Creative ESOL project at Derby QUAD. The project has been supported by Derby City Council and the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government's ESOL for Integration Fund.


The films were made independently, during the learner's free time after being assigned homework tasks during weekly Creative English sessions which were held online between November 2020 - March 2021.

You can also experience the online exhibition for this project as part of the FORMAT International Photography Festival at https://format.newart.city/show/room-19​

You can find out more about this project at https://www.derbyquad.co.uk/ESOLCeleb...​ and can get in touch with our participation team at participation@derbyquad.co.uk with any questions."

QUAD - Derby

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