Spending to save

We know it is really important to our donors and supporters that they can be sure that everything donated will benefit asylum seekers and refugees either directly or indirectly.

EVERYONE at DRS is a volunteer. That means there are no wages to pay. Our only regular outgoing is our rent and that has been easily covered by donors contributing via direct debit to the “Dent in the Rent” pot.

Our wonderful accountant, Lynsey, keeps a close eye on our accounts and is a real stickler for things to be done properly!

We keep a small amount of money for unforeseen emergencies but we also believe in spending what we have to help some of the most desperate and vulnerable people. That’s why, in the last two weeks we have been able to donate the following to charities we know and trust:

  • Care4Calais £1500

  • Donate4refugees £1500

  • Free shop Lebanon £1500

  • Rohingya refugees £500

  • Palestine Medical Aid £500

  • Muslims in Need £250

  • Freedom from Torture £250

Thank you soooo much to everyone who has made this possible!

Julie JamesComment