We can be heroes...

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes…

Gizem and her family fled from Afghanistan five years ago. Although they have a strong and obvious case for asylum, they have so far been refused the right to remain. This means Gizem’s mum and dad cannot work, even though they are desperate to. It means they have to live on a tiny allowance. It means they live in a kind of limbo until the Home Office answers their appeal.

In this context, what Gizem did on Friday is even more remarkable.

By invitation from Repton Prepratory school Gizem, who is TWELVE, spoke in an assembly of about 200 pupils about her experiences. She took questions and did not appear to have any nerves about the whole experience, even though it was her first time!

The pupils sat rapt while she told them about the Taliban and the difficulty of leaving her home country.

That is what we call a hero.

Julie JamesComment