DRS hearts interns!

For the first time we have had the good fortune to be able to welcome two interns, Tino and Tim from Derby University. Their posts are part of a Community Outreach programme funded by the European Union and will consist of 80 hours helping out in specific areas in order to help promote and develop the work of DRS.

Tino has been recruited to help with the website and social media, as well as one of our 2022 aims, which is to encourage more local schools to become School of Sanctuary. The photos in the gallery below were taken by Tino during one of her fist sessions.

Tim has been recruited to help with the general running of DRS, which is no easy task when you consider we often have 60 or 70 volunteers, as well as donation drops offs and visitors.

Both Tim and Tino are keen to have the opportunity to work for a local charity , experience increasing a charity’s level of engagement with the community and take on a variety of responsibilities and learn how o a grassroots charity operates.

Welcome Tino and Tim!

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