Lovely weather, teamwork, enthusiasm, and competition was the order of the day on Saturday 14 August at DRS for our annual sports day. Around 9:30 am Charlie’s helpers assisted him with setting up for the event. Once everyone arrived it was time to begin.  

The first organised race was the obstacle race which involved skipping, carrying a bean bag on your head and running to the finishing line. In first place we had Dig Thomas and closely followed by Gathkuoth.  

This led to the next event, the egg and spoon race which we all know requires great hand-eye coordination and balance the participants that managed to successfully do this were Delight taking first place and Yaaqob in second place.  

The sack race was probably the most entertaining event to watch and was quite competitive. However, despite the tight competition Nabawi was first and Bashir was in second place.  

This led to the skipping race, and I really must say it is amazing how some of these participants can skip. However, holding first place was Gathkuoth and second place Dig Thomas.  

By this time, it was getting hotter, and it was time for the Three-legged race, serious teamwork was needed on this race, and it was evident that participants were working together. Despite a lot of tumbling over they would still pick themselves up and continue. Overall, first position went to Mohamed Adam and Hadar and second position to Steve and Yasar.  

This next event was not for the faint hearted, yes you have guessed it Tug of war! This was a real battle as the following teams, United, Chelsea, Forest , Leicester, Derby Arsenal, Julie’s Team and Corals Team had to prove their strength, teamwork and strategy to the other teams. In the end Arsenal came first but they all put a good fight well done everyone. 

 While all these races were happening there were separate activities people were playing. These included badminton, ping pong, football and welly wanging. The welly wanging competition was divided into men, women and children. Therefore, for men, first place was Ayaman and second Mohamed Adam. The women did well and in first place was Sarah and second position went to Tracy. Finally the children’s competition Sophie was first place and Isabella in second place.  

This marked the end of all the events, and we held a small award ceremony for handing certificates to our winners. The certificates were presented by GoodGym members who had come to volunteer at DRS for the day. They had been assisting with setting up for races and making sure everything was going according to the plan. Everyone was in good spirits, and it was clear that they had enjoyed the event.  

Thank you!!!!

We would like to thank all the people that made this event successful, a big thank you for Good Gym led by Naomi who came to help with our event, the DRS team for making sure everything was ready for the sports day and our participants for showing up and taking part in the organised races.  




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