Visit to Anthony Gell School

by Vanessa, DRS volunteer and tutor.

Very early on the morning of 30th January, Bewar, Abdel and Hange joined me, to drive the 18 miles to Anthony Gell Comprehensive School, Wirksworth, Derbyshire. They had been invited by the Head of Geography, Sarah Harrison, to talk to 150+ 14 year old students about DRS and about their own stories of life in their home countries, the reasons why they had to leave their families and friends, their challenging journeys to reach the UK and their lives, hopes and ambitions, now they are here, in Derbyshire.

Bewar,'s Abdel's and Hange's audience of young people was captivated by the honesty and passion conveyed through these heart-felt accounts. The young people asked a range of thoughtful questions and our lads answered with truthful confidence.

There is no doubt that the Year 9 students of 'Anthony Gell' now have a deep and compassionate understanding of the experiences of refugees and seekers of asylum. The words and messages of Bewar, Abdel and Hange will be remembered by all in the Assembly Hall. 

Dearest thanks to Bewar, Abdel and Hange - and to Anthony Gell School for their compassionate interest.

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