DRS will be closing for the whole of September.

We have never closed since we started 8 years ago, except for during the pandemic obviously. We have never even taken a Christmas break, except for Christmas Day. It was a difficult decision to make but we know we need a clean break and a reset. Our numbers are neither safe nor sustainable. We have to rethink how we can reopen safely.

For the whole of September DRS will be open for donation drop offs only, by prior arrangement. We will continue to keep a close eye on the Government's hostile policies and therefore will keep a social media presence.

The DRS allotment will continue to open as normal. The allotment team would be grateful for any wood you can donate for recycling projects. Outreach support for the hotels in and around Burton will also continue.

On 31st August we will have a party to celebrate our 8th birthday and, as always, everyone is invited. We will then reopen on the 5th October.

We are so grateful for all your generosity over the years. We have come so far because of your support. You are making a big difference to the lives of these incredible human beings and everyone at DRS would like to say an enormous


Julie JamesComment