"the instinct to help, to uplift, and to protect knows no divisions of nationality or circumstance"

On 31st August, we were delighted to welcome Ged Potter, Deputy Mayor of Derby, to our eighth birthday celebrations.

Ged not only joined in our party games, cuppa in hand, but also gave an inspiring speech about the courageous rescue of a Derby man by a group of asylum seekers earlier in August.

Here are just some of Ged’s words…

“Amidst these stories of hope, there shines a particular light - a tale of bravery and selflessness that deserves to be held aloft for all to see. On a fateful Friday, the 11th of August, 2023, our city's heart was witness to an act of heroism that showcased the true essence of compassion transcending all boundaries. A group of our very own refugees and asylum seekers, individuals who have faced trials of their own, united in an extraordinary effort to save a life. A life endangered in the waters of the River Derwent, right at the heart of our city center.

In the face of dire peril, without hesitation, they plunged into the waters, their actions a testament to the values that bind us together. These brave souls, from distant corners of the world, demonstrated that humanity knows no bounds -- that the instinct to help, to uplift, and to protect knows no divisions of nationality or circumstance. Their courage saved a member of our community, a fellow human being, from the clutches of danger. In that moment, they exemplified the very essence of solidarity that we stand for.

Thank you all for being a part of this celebration, for standing as a testament to the power of compassion, and for being the heart of a city that beats with the rhythms of acceptance and understanding. Here's to the past eight years, and to the countless more that lie ahead, brimming with promise, hope and solidarity.”

Julie JamesComment