Calling all you lovely Nottingham peeps!

DRS are delighted to announce a new drop off location for Nottingham based supporters! The very wonderful Izzy is kindly letting us use her garage near the city centre.

Izzy will be there at the following times to accept donations:

Tuesdays: 5.30 to 7.30 p.m

Saturdays 3 to 5 pm.

The garage space is perfect; clean, dry and not full of rats like some of our old storage spaces!

Donations dropped off here will be collected by DRS and then sorted. Some will go to Calais, Dunkirk, Paris, Greece etc. Others will be sold at jumble sales, ebay etc to raise funds.We accept ALMOST anything!

Please contact Izzy at:

or on 07716086839

To arrange drop off at different times please phone Julie: 07790900017

Julie JamesComment