Record Breakers!

When I left my 32 year teaching career I was THRILLED at the idea of never having to attend a meeting ever again….

Yesterday at DRS we broke our own record by having FORTY FIVE Volunteers at our Team Meeting! And better still, it was interesting, useful and enjoyable!

Now that we are becoming a community and fundraising group, as well as the same collecting and sending donations group we’ve always been, we have now got lots of exciting new projects. Yesterday was an opportunity for each of the different groups to give a summary of what they are doing and invite others to join in!

New projects that have sprung up since Christmas include English sessions, gardening, bike repair, sewing, Creative Corner, woodwork, photography, yoga and music! All volunteers are welcome to join as many or as few groups as they like - though it may be a struggle to be in five different places at one time.

None of this would be possible without the energy, enthusiasm and commitment of our wonderful team of volunteers - or without the generosity of St Anne’s Church who have provided us with such a lovely home. We will have been here for exactly one year on 1st September and it is really this home that has enabled us to grow. Vegetables, flowers and ourselves.

Julie JamesComment