Big thanks from the BIG GIVE

Thanks to our wonderful supporters and friends, we have been able to take advantage of the “Big Give” scheme, which match funds donations to a range of charities made during the first week of December. Here are a few of the thank yous so far!

A message from The National Holocaust Centre and Museum: 

Your donation to The National Holocaust Centre and Museum is helping to the charity to distribute The Journey - Leo's Story to year 6 teachers and their students across the UK - promoting the ideals of empathy, kindness and moral courage. Thank you for supporting this life changing project. 

Here is your donation information: 

  • Total for The National Holocaust Centre and Museum: £800.00 

  • Donation: £400.00 

  • Gift Aid: £0.00 

  • Match Funds: £400.00 

Thank you so much for your gift of £400 through our Big Give campaign. With your help we’ve hit our target of £21,000! We are extremely grateful to you and really appreciate your support. 

When we applied to The Big Give to raise funds for our primary schools app, The Journey, we didn’t realise just how apt it would be. Given that Nottinghamshire is in Tier 3 and schools cannot come to us, we are delighted that schools want the app as a means of us going to them. Teachers tell us they love the app, but they do feel reassured by having one of our educator’s support either in the classroom or remotely. 

This means that in January, whether the government allows us to reopen or not, we will be able to actively promote The Journey app to areas of the country where this type of education is most needed. Since the pandemic began, we have seen a spike in hate speech and hate crimes. 

As our CEO was preparing for our livestream event last week to promote the Big Give appeal, he said it was a joy hearing directly from schoolchildren and observing the app’s impact on them: learning what happened to children their own age simply because they were Jewish; the necessity of the Kindertransport and its equivalents for young refugees today; and heartwarmingly, seeing their resolve to stand up against the hate that causes all this. If you missed it, you can watch it here

In 2021 we intend to distribute the app widely, and in so doing inspire more young pupils to think critically about the hate and ‘information’ they see on social media, and to become ‘upstanders’ against it. 

Your support makes this possible. Please accept our heartfelt gratitude.  


A message from Windle International: 

Thank you for your support. Your donation is really important to us and will help Windle fulfil our campaign to provided key skills to refugees and conflict-affected communities in Eastern Africa. 

Here is your donation information: 

  • Total for Windle International: £800.00 

  • Donation: £400.00 

  • Gift Aid: £0.00 

  • Match Funds: £400.00 


A message from Donate4Refugees: 

A million thank yous for donating to our Double Donations The Big Give Christmas Campaign 2020. Your kindness will go a long way in helping Winter Survival for refugees in Europe. The situation has never been worse, so Thank You Thank You Thank You. 
Much love 
Amber & the Donate4Refugees volunteers 


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