Fun in the sun...DRS style!

There may well be a pandemic but that isn’t enough to stop DRS getting busy with litter grabbers and bin bags!

Yesterday, twenty-five volunteers, wearing DRS T-shirts, spent an hour in the local community picking up litter. It is really important to us to be part of this community, for local residents to see us as an asset. That’s why we posted flyers round nearby streets inviting people to come for a cuppa and why - in normal times - we would be having jumble sales and Open Days.

After a busy hour, it was back to St Anne’s for a wash and a cuppa and straight to work in English classes. At the moment we can have up to 12 - 14 learners inside, to ensure we maintain social distancing, and another class outside. As long as we have warm weather, it is a pleasure to be outside!

Then at 12 o’clock, seven volunteers got themselves down to the train station for an afternoon walking along the Derwent Valley. Hopefully this can become a regular event!

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