DRS: what it means to me.

We strive to better conditions for our amazing DRS family as we move forward, and so we are bidding for funding to help us. Forms often require statements about the work of DRS and it was decided that our volunteers are best placed to do this and four were invited to do so. The response was a moving tribute to Derbyshire Refugee Solidarity, one we would like to share with you.

So glad to write about DRS. DRS is such great support and home for all of us. DRS is a welcoming place with many kind and friendly staff and volunteers. I have so much love and respect for all of them. They help us in all possible ways to welcoming us with English lessons, food and drinks.​”

Omid - Iran

“DRS is a safe place for refugees. I am a woman it is one of the best places that I passed my ​times there. They are very very friendly lovely kind people they are better than my family. ​They really understand refugees and their needs. ​

​When I arrived in UK I didn’t have anything. People at DRS gave me lots of things that I could live here. Without them I couldn’t continue here. At DRS we passes dreamy moments because the people are same as Angel. DRS makes motivation for living better in UK.​

They gave me a bicycle kindly when I was sad and depressed. DRS support you and never let you being alone and feel lonely. We played games at the garden with others. They cooked lots of food and cookies for refugees. They settled English classes for refugees with notebooks and pens and dictionaries.​

DRS is our second home …. my family. Because they understood me in very bad situations and really helped me when I needed someone. They sincerely help refugees. ​

​I can’t explain how much they help us. But I say the only place I really feel safe and happy was DRS.”    ​

Behnaz - Iran  

“My name is Zakaria (Zak) also known as President Zak. I have been volunteering at DRS since 2016 in June. I remember my first day to volunteer at DRS I said “waooo” I was looking place like this because of people soo good, friendly, good heart all, and I had shortage of clothes. So far at DRS I am sorting supervisor, trustee and I am premises building manager.​

The aim of DRS is to support refugees and asylum seekers in different ways around the world.​

These are some functions of DRS:​

  • To receive donations and we sort them​

  • To make people happy and equal​

  • To help refugees learn English, bicycle and clothes.​

  • It teaches how to live with people from different countries, culture and traditions.​

  • It’s funny place, we can learn music including instruments, art and garden.​

In life, you never get anywhere alone. I am excited to continue this endless pursuit of life with amazing people at DRS”

“DRS is not only an organization that helps asylum seekers in the UK. This is the house in which you are always welcome and ready to help. She replaced for this period of time my family, which remained in my homeland. Here I met people with amazing mental beauty, for whom human compassion, willingness to help is not an empty phrase, but a way of life. I would like to say a huge, human thanks to all the DRS members for that invaluable help and support. If not for you, then my life would be dull and grey.​”

Aslan – Chechnya

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