Beat the Street Champions!!

On 20th May, we were delighted to welcome Lotty from the Beat the Street team to present us with our prizes in THREE categories!

We won two prizes in the category “Community and Workplace teams” and our volunteer, also known as President Zak, also won first prize for the individual with the most points out of 26,500 participants!

We loved this fantastic initiative, encouraging the people of Derby to get out and about in the fresh air, discovering places in Derby they’d probably never even explored. Primary school teams found it really exciting and competition was fierce!

This activity was especially enjoyable for some of our asylum seeker volunteers. Asylum seekers are not allowed to get jobs and earn money, even though they really want to contribute to British society. Especially during lockdowns, there is very little for them to do. So this was a lovely way to spend the time, learn more about Derby and meet lots of wonderful people!

President Zak says he is sad it is now finished and is looking forward to when Beat The Street Leicester begins!

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