Lottery Laptop Learning!

Over the past two months Taran and Merrin have been running DRS ICT classes with a committed group of learners; all young men from Togo, Sudan and Iran.

Here’s Merrin…..

“These lessons have been both engaging, challenging and, of course, fun. They started with the basics - learning the names 'keyboard', 'mouse' and 'monitor'. Next the students learnt typing skills through interactive games. They then learnt how to use Google to access the news and search for images.

ZOOM has been particularly useful for teaching remote English lesson - so the class also learnt how to operate ZOOM effectively from laptops and their own phones. During the final weeks of classes they were using online English language resources, particularly ESOL games and BBC Bitesize. Thanks to the funding from the National Lottery we provided 7 laptops and sets of headphones to allow both group and independent learning.

Though there were mistakes and technological issues along the way, it has been a great success and a thoroughly enjoyable experience for both learners and tutors. “

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