Afghan Refugees Support Update

We have to start with a huge THANK YOU for the astonishing amount of aid that has been donated in the last few weeks! There has been snow on top of Donation Mountain and we have had to open up more days just to cope” New volunteers have joined us to help with this and old volunteers, including Premises Manager Nader, are putting in many hours every week.

We are currently supporting newly arrived Afghan refugees in two ((and soon possibly three)) hotels, in Derby and Sandiacre.

The refugees we are supporting are at The Holiday Inn in Derby and Risley Hotel in Sandiacre. Their immediate needs are catered for by the hotels, three meals a day, basic hygiene products etc. The Holiday Inn have allowed ourselves and two other organisations, Upbeat Communities and Little Wonders, in to distribute clothing, toys, baby items etc.

Risley Hotel were initially reluctant, saying the guests had no needs and everything was under control. However, we have gradually built up good relationships with staff members and also got permission from Serco - who are running the refugee placement side of things - so now we have been allowed to drop off clothes, toys, baby products etc. However, there is an issue with the distribution of items.

Our next step is to try to help with this distribution by finding a community hall nearby to run a session ourselves. The difficulty is distributing clothes, shoes etc in a way that is fair for all. For this, you need quite a few people, which Risley Hall don't have spare.

At Risley, we have been able to talk to a few of the refugees living there and they seem ok, but eager to be starting English classes, integrating into their new communities. The money has yet to come through from the Home Office so again, we are aiming to put on a community event at our premises and perhaps hire a coach to bring them to us.

If you would like to help, the main thing we need at the moment is phones - or money to buy phones. They need to be unlocked and sim free or pay as you go. A phone is a lifeline to a refugee. As well as staying in touch with family and friends, some of whom may have fled to other countries or be on the move, they can find information and translate to and from English. Asylum seekers have very little money and are not allowed to work, so a phone is one of only a few sources of entertainment and distraction available to them.

Don’t forget, you can come and visit us anytime and meet our amazing volunteers. Hope to see you soon!

Julie JamesComment