Open Day raises over £500!

It’s an exhausted team of volunteers who are waking up this morning to the news that we raised over £500 yesterday!

After a slow start, the day gradually grew busier and brighter with lots of happy customers from the local community, a huge drop off from Morrisons’ of gifts for Afghan refugees and a visit from MP Amanda Solloway..

With gorgeous cakes and coffee in the church, a garden full of fresh grown veg, plants and smiles and games outside with Sal, there was something for everyone!

Lovely to see Rachel from @biggreenpig and Emily from @gardentowellbeing, who dropped off sacks full of potatoes, apples, garlic and onions.. And a team from Chesterfield who dropped off SEVEN bicycles for refugees!

As always, a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped in any way and everyone who came along!

#refugeeswelcome #bettertogether #chooselove #asylumseekers

Julie JamesComment