The Kids are alright!

One of our charitable aims is “To advance the education of the public in general about issues relating to refugees and those seeking asylum by promoting and providing activities which foster understanding between people from diverse backgrounds.”

With this in mind we are hoping to link up with many schools in 2022. We also hope to encourage them to become “Schools of Sanctuary”.

On 14th June we took three asylum seekers to St Mary;s Catholic High School in Chesterfield to take part in a special event. Charities involved with the school were invited to set up a stall and invite pupils to come and chat.

Dig Thomas, Abdel and Anwar made sure our stall was always busy by being encouraging, warm and friendly. In turn the pupils were warm, welcoming and curious. They joined in the games we had devised and had fun seeing their names written in Arabic.

We hope this will now be a link that continues to grow and expand, as our tummies did with all the delicious cake on offer!

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