It's a kind of magic."

By Harriet

DRS's allotment seems to be sprinkled with a little magic. Not just the magic of spring, but the magic of people from all corners of the world and from all stages in life coming together on what was once just a patch of soil. Together, we planted Sweet peas, Marigolds, Sunflowers, Courgettes, Tomatoes and Chillis. Together, we built bug hotels, prepared the soil and labelled seeds. Together, we ate salad from Turkey, Persian soup, Scottish/Iranian biscuits and bread and cheese from the local Co op...

So take note Cruella Notbravewoman, and awful government, and anyone who thinks that refugees are not welcome: we work better together, we eat better together, we have ideas better together, we talk better together.

Together, we can make magic happen.

Julie JamesComment